Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I Made a Video!

I made a project and it's on the video. It's about the skeletal systems and about bones. I learned that there are all kinds of bones named clavicle and the sternum and the backbone and many others. The clavicle is right beside your neck. The sternum is in the front on your chest. The backbone has a whole bunch of different names...thoracic has 12 bones and lumbar has 5 bones. And the cervical has 7 bones in the back of the neck.

I liked the project because I learned the names of a whole bunch of different bones. I learned how to make a video too. You turn it on by the side button. Press the red button and video. To stop, you press the the play button.

Do you want to see my video? Then check it out!


  1. Well done Bradley. I am amazed that you could remember those names...especially the ones about the back.

    I heard that you taught this to some grade 12 students. I think I'll go ask them to share what they learned.

    Again, you worked hard. Well done.

    Mrs. K

  2. Brad, this is a very cool video. What a great way to share what you know. I hope you continue to create some awesome videos!

    Ms. T. Malloff

  3. Good job Bradley.
    You know what the bones are in your body.
    Very smart:)

  4. You have been a busy young man this semester! First poetry in English, now producing your own video about bones in Science! Bravo Bradley. I was wondering who labelled the skeleton in the Science lab! You put in a lot of time and effort to learn the names of the bones so that you could clearly name them in the video. Well done. I'm so proud of you "Little K!"
